I'm going to read the prayers to you and ask you to think about each one.
The first side reads: "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
That was perfect for last week, being Trinity Sunday. Indeed, it's perfect for every day and every situation. When Saint Paul wrote to the Christians in Colossae he urged them in this way:
"Whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him".
Good advice for us to follow, not just for saying "grace" but in our every action and our every word. That's quite a challenge.
Let's turn the cube over.
"Lord, we thank you for food, drink and all that we receive daily from your gracious hand".
Perhaps you remember the Israelites in the wilderness after they had left Egypt but before they reached the Promised Land. When they were hungry they cried to God who gave them Manna, but only enough for one day at a time, so that they would not become complacent but remember their dependence on the Lord.
It so easy for us to become blasé. Here in rural France we see the farmers working every day to provide for our needs. We can go to Intermarché (other supermarkets are available) and buy the fruit of their labour as well as provisions from all round the world - except that Yorkshire Tea is never available when I want it.
At Harvest time, we sing "All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above" - the good gifts are not just the foods themselves but those who grow, harvest, transport, monitor standards, manage, sell and so on. To all we can say "Thank You" when the opportunity arises, as well as to the Father.
Next on the cube is this:
"Lord, we thank you for our daily nourishment. Help us to share with those who have so little".
Here is another mention of the word daily. In the prayer which Jesus taught his disciples there is that wonderful line "Give us this day our daily bread". We can trust God that we need not ask for more than one day at a time. He will provide - He does provide - for our physical and mental and spiritual needs. Such blessing comes with the challenge to share. Yes, we can send money to Christian Aid or one of the many other charities that do so much good, many of them in the name of Jesus. The danger is that we can forget people closer to home. Family Neighbours, ? Let's not do that.
Only halfway round the cube and I'm running out of time.
Let me read two sides together and see if you can work out how they're connected. The first is for our sacramental meal:
"Praise to you, Lord, for this bread and wine, and for all who join with us, in times of need and sorrow".
And number 5:
"Come, Lord. Join our table and bless our bread. Speak your word of strength and support and make our hearts and our home welcoming".
These short prayers are all to be used when we're saying "Grace". As we use them, we are not only thanking God for our earthly provision but we are accepting His grace, his mercy shown to us in so many ways.
The final face of my cube has a small lighted candle engraved on it, reminding me that prayers, once said, continue, as does God's grace towards us.
The final prayer is one for us all:
"Lord, let your blessing of gentleness and peace come over us and upon this meal".
And so, back to square one.
"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" AMEN
Des réflexions spirituelles proposées aux anglophones - sous le titre : Perspectives
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